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Booksy Biz Pro: Tablet App 1.0.13
Calendar, clients, staff members, inventory, marketing tools,reporting. Booksy Biz Pro delivers all of the tools that you needto manage your day-to-day, engage your customers, and grow yourbusiness. Our tablet/web experience is designed to help you keeppace from the front desk. That said we get that in the world ofappointments, a lot still happens on the go. Booksy Biz Prointegrates with the Booksy Biz mobile app to give you and yourstaff members access to core business functions while you’re flyingfrom one appointment to the next. You do what you love, and rely onus to help with all of the extra: ➜ Self-service bookings: Booksyworks for you behind the scenes, empowering clients to view yourcalendar and book online 24/7 — without you lifting a finger. ➜Business management: A full featured reception solution to help youkeep track of all of the moving pieces — clients, documentation,inventory, staff members, and commissions. ➜ Point-of-Sale: Ourcomplete point-of-sale solution allows you to streamline thecheckout experience, process payments directly from the app, andoffer your clients flexible options. ➜ Built-in marketing:Everything you need to stay busy and increase loyalty. Grow yourcommunity, market your skills on social media, message yourclients, offer promotions, and collect reviews. ➜ Bottom lineprotection: Every hour that you put in? Let’s make sure it counts.Reduce no-shows, fill your calendar using Boost, and transform datainto decisions. ➜ Responsive solutions: The future doesn’t wait up.We’re here to help your business adapt and thrive with Health &Safety features, diverse revenue streams, and the ability to offeryour services online, or even on the go. Ready to run yourbusiness, your way? Make the leap and here’s a glimpse into whatyour Booksy journey will look like. ➜ Establish Your Brand:Leverage your Booksy profile to tell the world what you’re allabout. Upload photos, link to social media accounts, and collectreviews. ➜ Invite clients: Invite loyal clients to use the BooksyCustomer App and share your Booksy profile link so that new clientscan book you, wherever they find you. ➜ Get them talking: UseMessage Blasts and Social Posts to keep your customers engaged sothat your skills are always top of mind. ➜ Grow with Booksy: Youdecide how fast and how far. We’ll help you get there. Booksyadapts to the needs of your business so that you can continue tomake plans. Together let’s do more. Better.